Does your pet need to have its teeth checked? We still have time available!
Don’t turn your nose to your pet’s bad breath! “Stinky pet breath” might signify a serious health risk not only with your pet’s teeth and gums but its internal organs as well. Dental disease caused by bacteria living in your pet’s mouth can lead to infection in your pet’s bloodstream. Damage to the heart, kidneys, liver and even joint infections can be the devastating result.
Pet dentistry has become an important aspect of good veterinary care. One of the best things you can do to help keep your pet(s) healthy is schedule an annual health exam with your veterinarian. We are here to help you maintain a long and happy relationship with your four-legged friends.
If you have concerns about your cat’s or dog’s teeth let us help.
February is Pet Dental Health Month
In celebration, we are offering a discount of 20% off your pet’s dental cleaning NOW through February 28, 2018. Please call or click to request an appointment. Appointments are limited so please call soon. We look forward to seeing you and your furry friends! There are also links below for more information on cat and dog dental health courtesy of Idexx Pet Health Network.
Dental Health for Your Dog
Dental health misunderstandings can lead to potentially serious problems. Get answers to 10 of the most important and regularly asked questions.
Dental Health for Your Cat
Dental health for cats is commonly overlooked. Here are 10 facts you should know about your cat’s teeth.